Thursday, March 20, 2008


There are laws in life that don't make sense regarding how they could possibly work, but they do. You will find these laws out one way or the other, but the sooner in life you know and act on them, the better for you.

There is nothing that you have to "believe in" for life's immutable laws to work. You can "believe in" God or a life field or nothing at first. You can "believe in" Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, angels, demons, the devil or nobody. Life doesn't care what you believe in or don't believe in at first, your life will still happen. What is important in your life is what you do. If you follow these life laws and if you chance to win the grand prize of life, The Gift, you won't "believe in" anything anymore. You will KNOW, and knowing will set you free. (Don't over think this right now. It may not sound like much to you now, but Knowing is everything you inwardly want most.)

These life laws are to help you do the right things and not do the wrong things before you fully understand how life "works" and why these laws are laws and not "guidelines", "suggestions" or "helpful hints". There's a good reason for each one of them, even if you don't see why right now.


First thing every morning, give thanks for something. It doesn't matter what it is, but the thanks must be sincere. Give thanks throughout the day as you see fit. The more you look, the more you'll see to be thankful for. The more thanks you give throughout the day, the better life will get.

After your morning hygiene routine and before breakfast, retreat into your morning quiet time. Without fail, you will inwardly know what to do.

A good way to quiet a restless mind is to run through all the things you are thankful for until your awareness switches from self-fullness to joyfulness. With the joyfulness there will be love- fullness and expansiveness. You can ask of life or you can just trust life. You will inwardly know what to ask of life. After asking, wait to receive. If you choose to just trust in life, the Christian Bible has two notable passages, "Thy will be done" and "Here am I, send me". At the end of quiet time, give thanks to life for life.

Everyone you meet you meet for a reason. Everything in your life comes into your life for a reason. Every opportunity is in your life for a reason. More and more good will flow into your life as if by magic. More things than you even thought, or dared, to ask for.

You do not have to "run" your life. Your life will happen in the best way for you if you will trust it to and then let it. Just be open and aware. Give thanks for all the good people in your life, the good choices you have made so far and the good still to come to you. Do not dwell on any mistakes. Know that everything will work out best for you and for all those in your life.

Do the right thing always. No excuses. Even if you don't feel like it at first, you’ll know why later. It's all about winning life's grand prize, The Gift, which will happen when the time is right.

Whenever you do the right thing, no not pat yourself on the back. If you see anyone not doing the right thing, do not think any less of them or think you are better than they are. After you win the grand prize, you'll know why this perception is appropriate.

Find the good in everyone you know and in everyone you meet. And yes, there is good in everyone! Treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Never hold a grudge against anyone. Never stay mad at anyone. Never stay hurt by anyone. This only hurts you, and a hurt you will draw to you events that you do not want. For your own good, forgive. If forgiving is difficult, take it to quiet time. One fine day it will just happen.

Don't spend every dime you earn. Saving is the only way you will learn the difference between "I want" and "I need". And once you learn this, you will never be without for the rest of your life.

Give to others who are less fortunate, no matter how little you have to give. There is a very good reason for this, which you can only discover after you do it. Give anonymously whenever possible. Your life will become so full with so little that you won't hardly believe how little you really do need!

Never buy anything the first time that you see it. No matter how much you may think you want it at the time.

Listen more than you talk. Remember what you heard.

Eat only when you are hungry. When eating, do not be doing anything else. Stop eating before you feel full. Eat wholesome and fresh, close to the source. Eat a wide variety, even if you don't like something. Ignore fads.

Everything that can be enjoyed can also be abused. Whether you are a master or a slave to a substance is your doing. The substance is neutral. Don't blame the substance for you craving it. Even some legal substances are best left alone, and you will know when that time comes.

Eventually you will not have to use any substances, legal or illegal, to enhance mood. You'll be in the most wonderful mood imaginable all the time. But if you do use mood substances, know the "right way" to use them. If you don't use substances but know others who do, do not think less of them for what they do. They are them, you are you.

There is no "right way" to smoke, which should tell you something. If you do smoke and want to quit, quit. Now is a good time. If it's difficult, take it to your quiet time. Don't "just finish this last one". Put it out in the ashtray right now. Don't "just finish this last pack". Keep all three as a trophy to your having done the right thing. Write the date on the ashtray.

There is a "right way" to drink, if you choose to. Drink slowly. Wait between drinks, know (and stick to) your limit, even if it's half of one drink. Enjoy everything in moderation. If you feel you should quit, quit.

Illegal substances are illegal for a good reason. They are addictive. And addiction changes every priority in your life. You do not want that. If you are becoming addicted, take it to quiet time. If you need help, get it.

Prescription drugs are prescribed by a doctor for a good reason. They change your body chemistry. Your body will set its chemistry properly if you will let it by doing the right things. If something doesn't seem quite right with your health, take it to quiet time. If anything seems to be getting out of hand, don't hesitate to see a professional. Life uses everyone and everything for the benefit of everyone.

Life itself will show that you don't need mood substances. Don't think any less of people who do use them. Don't think you are better than they are. Give thanks to life for not craving substances, not to yourself.

You don't need to date everyone you can in the hope that one of them will turn out to be The Right One. If you search too hard, you will surely end up with A Wrong One. You and the Right One will find each other. And you will know who it is when you two meet.

Throw away as little as possible, reuse as much as possible, conserve as much as possible. Maintain your things in good condition so they last. Don't think any less of those who don't. Give thanks to life for all that you have, not to yourself.

Give thanks for every door that opens. Take every job that is an open door. Learn as much as you can from every job. Do the best that you can in every job. No job is too menial. Every opportunity that presents itself in your life is there for a reason. Even volunteer work.

You are a very important part of life, but just one part. All of the other parts of the whole do not have to be perfect for your life to be perfect. You can even do stupid things and life will still work out beautifully for you. There is no single path for your life that if you get off of, you are doomed from then on. No missing the boat. Life is self-healing clockwork. Drop it and break a few parts and it will fix it itself, start running again and never miss a beat. Don't feel ashamed of yourself for dumb mistakes. Life never holds any grudges, so don't you?

When one fine day you chance to win life's grand prize, The Gift, do not let it go to your head. Give all the thanks to life. And keep doing the laws.